Superteam and Me

Grahil khandelwal
7 min readFeb 29, 2024


Superteam has impacted many lives, as well as mine.

  • Earned my first crypto, first $1000, first $10,000…
  • Got my first internship and job.
  • Made really good friends and connections.
  • and many more countless memories.

Here is my story with Superteam !!!

Okay, so I was just a regular guy who used to do meme marketing and content writing in college.

I used to earn decent pocket money in college. Frankly, for me, it was a difficult but fun time.

The crypto industry was in a bull run. People were putting up pictures with Lambos, sharing new overnight rags-to-riches stories, and everyone was talking about crypto. Even my grandfather was talking about Bitcoin.

This video was really interesting because I was learning about DAO, and my man @kashdhanda was explaining it

He gave the best exploratory presentation of all time and made me a fan that day. One line that stuck with me is, ‘DAOs are internet communities with a bank account.”

In that video, Tanmay announced that he is starting a community DAO called Super Pumped where people can work with him. I was sold at that point.

Fun fact Superteam was earlier Super Pumped and started as a podcast on the Superpumped channel, which later rebranded as the Superteam Podcast

About Superteam

SuperteamDAO is a community of founders, creatives, developers, and operators who work together to launch and grow promising projects in the Solana ecosystem

Superteam currently has nine chapters spread across different countries which include:

  • Builder incentives
  • Cultivates community
  • Funds projects
  • Sources & connects talent
  • Promotes open innovation

I entered into the Superteam discord as a lurker and wanted to explore more and become a member. There were only two different levels at that time Members and Lurkers and only one Superteam i.e. India.

Now Superteam is in 11 different regions in the last few years of operations and expanding to various other regions as well.

Current Superteams

  1. Superteam India
  2. Superteam Vietnam
  3. Superteam Turkey
  4. Superteam Germany
  5. Superteam Brasil
  6. Superteam UAE
  7. Superteam UK
  8. Superteam Thailand
  9. Superteam Balkhan
  10. Superteam Philippines
  11. Superteam Mexico

This was the time when Superteam had a simple notion website back then and the fun part was the disclaimer in the get involved section: “The DAO is in experimental beta, Use at your own risk”.

BTW the core team of SuperteamDAO had 5 people:

Akshay BD: Strategies, legal and Rainmaking

Tanmay Bhat: Marketing and Video

Kash Dandha: Community and Sherpa

Neil Shroff: Operations maxi

Devaiah Bopanna: Videos, marketing.

But in reality here is what they really do!!

Akshay BD: Allegedly, don’t want a case, lol

Tanmay Bhat: GDP, GDP, GDP, GDP

Kash Dandha: my man, my man, get the f out of my Zoom call

Neil Shroff: …….. still waiting for his reply

Devaiah Bopanna: Videos


Back to the story.

Slowly I decided to talk to some members and ask them how I could contribute. They all gave some amazing suggestions that helped me. In a few weeks, I made some really good connections and good friends.

One day while researching, I got to know about MemeDAO. It was a DAO for Meme Creators, made by Superteam members and led by @rajkaria_. Bro was one of the sweetest people I have ever met.

The concept was really simple, best meme creators create memes for projects and protocols. Best once gets selected and gets rewards. To be honest this was an amazing concept.

The reward was some $15/per meme. And I was just shocked to see people getting $15 for like 5 min of work. Again Crypto is a wild place

i earned my first crypto from memedao. Never in my life have I felt so rich after that 45-dollar payment.

I continued to contribute at Meme DAO.

One day @rakshitbaveja a close friend of mine called me saying he had an opportunity to get me into the superteam by editing a video about the FTX Superteam. Guys, please don’t get it wrong, it was about mid-2022, that time SBF was a god. People were doing crazy things for SBF and FTX.

And guess what I replied to that call, hell yes. For the next 2 days, I worked on the video day and night. Everyone in the team liked it, and I was super happy.

And guess what, I become a contributor. It was a new concept back then, and I was one of the first contributors.

A few days after I wrote another bounty with @RohitLadda_ and won. I received another email informing me that I had been selected as a member. I was shocked; it was a dream come true for me at that time. I gave a party to all my friends that day.

Superteam member mail

I got into the superteam and started attending community calls, helping here and there.

I wrote many bounties and made a couple of contributions. This was the best time as the superteam was gaining momentum and expanding. (God, look at that community earnings graph)

In November month i hosted a Supermeet with Abbas in Jaipur. Life was going well, I was making open-source contributions and earning money.

And then, the FTX crash happened.

The FTX crash was a big hit for the entire industry. I lost all of my stuff, literally. This was my first bull run and I was shaking when I heard the news.

I still remember that emergency call after the crash, and kudos to the team at the foundation and Superteam for handling the situation well.

The SOL price hit the floor, and companies and banks were dissolving left, right, and centre, making it a really bad time. The ecosystem was struggling, but the community was stronger than ever. The team was motivated and headed towards tough challenges.

All the builders get back to building and grinding. A few months later, I got my first internship via the Superteam Intern program and then a job.

At the same time, the Superteam also launched other products like:

  1. New Superteams: Superteam Vietnam, Superteam Turkey and many other new superteams were launched.

2. Superteam Reputation System: The reputation System is a system to monitor Member contributions and gives them XP so that Project Leads know which Members are reliable. These XPs are used for special XP threshold opportunities and grants.

3. Superteam Earn: Superteam Earn is where crypto founders meet world-class talent. Distribute your work to crypto-native talent, meet your next team member & get things done fast. Users can participate in bounties, and projects and apply for grants via Superteam Earn. Project leads, founders and HRs can look out for professionals based on their past contributions.

4. Superteam Build: Superteam Build is a collection of 200+ ideas that are perfect for your hackathon project or business. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned builder, there’s something for everyone. These ideas are from all the reputed builders, researchers and infra projects. With these, you can apply for grants as well.

With the job, I also won a couple of microgrants and hosted a lot of events and workshops related to Superteam.

Fast forward to late 2023, attended the Wormhole Crosschain Clubhouse and Hacker House Bengaluru. Well, these are some core memories. We talked, we played, we danced, we built and we shipped.

In the last few months, been hosting some cool Ecosystem IRL calls.

P.S. Hosted the biggest one in the theatre. Hashtag core memory.

And you know, there are many other perks that I have received as a member, such as:

  • NFT Whitelists
  • Member discounts on various products
  • Airdrops
  • Grants and early access
  • Great alpha
  • And many more

Well, this is just the start, but I cannot deny the impact that Superteam has made so far.

70% of my core friends are in Superteam. Shoutout to all of you for helping and being there when needed.

In the end, just wanna say man this has been a ride. And join the Superteam if you haven’t already and contribute.

It is a vibe.

